Introduction Of Facebook
Today we will talk about “Success Story Of Facebook“ this platform is one of the most popular platforms today, this platform is one of the most used platforms in the whole world, in this people post some memories of their life so that they can connect with the whole world, you can explore this platform for free, for this you do not have to pay any fee and you can also earn thousands and lakhs of rupees every month from the platform and you can upload any of your videos on this platform so that people can be entertained, if you want more information related to Facebook, then scroll down.

Success Story Of Facebook :-
Mark Zuckerberg had created many websites before creating Facebook, but he had created those websites for some personal work and fun, but in 2004, Mark Zuckerberg created a website named “The Facebook”. This website was till now famous only in Harvard Universities, but gradually this website started being liked in other universities as well and the popularity of The Facebook was also increasing and seeing all this, Mark made The Facebook not only for students but the whole world should explore this website, for this Mark Zuckerberg left his college and gathered his team and started working on this website with full hard work and in 2005 the name of “The Facebook” was changed to just Facebook and by the year 2007, millions of people had created their accounts and business pages on Facebook and the time had come when Facebook was going to rule the whole world and by 2011 this website had become the world’s largest website and with his true dedication and hard work, Mark Zuckerberg became the world’s youngest billionaire. Facebook website had become the king of the internet world, then Mark Zuckerberg was only 19 years old and at such a young age he connected all the people of the world together and today Mark Zuckerberg is one of the youngest billionaires in the world
Facebook Achievement :-
Facebook is one of the most successful companies. Today, Facebook has 3.02 billion active users all over the world and if we talk about India, then 376 million users are active and it is the company with the highest user base and people spend a lot of time on Facebook and upload their content and some important moments of their life and connect with the whole world. Through this website, you can talk to a person sitting in any corner of the world. It helps us to connect with the whole world.

Facebook Controversy :-
Facebook is used all over the world. It is one of the most used websites in the world, so it has the largest database of users and this data has been leaked many times. It is hacked and leaked by hackers and such an incident was seen in the year 2019 where the data of 53 crore users was leaked and this database is said to be of users from 106 countries, out of which 3.2 crore were US users and 1.15 crore were UK users and 61 lakh were Indian users and on this Facebook’s management director Mike Clark had said that the data was not linked, the data was scrapped but after 2 years Facebook itself accepted this and said that the data was leaked but the data was two years old. It is true that the leaked Facebook data was present on the darknet for a long time.
Conclusion :-
Facebook is a very good platform on which you can create your own content and post it on Facebook and build your future and monetize your content and earn thousands and lakhs of rupees a month sitting at home and you can also connect with the world by uploading your photos on it, this can prove to be a great platform for you, on this platform you can watch and upload videos for your entertainment, you must explore it once.